5 Tips for Getting the Most out of Digital Signage | Digital Signs
Modern day digital signage systems make for extremely effective advertising tools. When utilised efficiently, digital signage can attract an audience and deliver a gripping call to action in the blink of an eye. If you’re interested in using digital signs for a marketing campaign, then this blog could help! Today, we’ve got five tips for using digital signage to its full potential.
1. Understand the essentials
When you’re planning the foundations of your marketing strategy, it pays to know the ins and outs of what you’re working with. Having a strong framework is vital to any project, and when it comes to led signage, thinking ahead on a few points really pays off. Consider the following key elements:
• Content – What are you planning on displaying? Knowing how to create and implement engaging content is instrumental to a successful signage strategy.
• Location – Where do you plan to mount it? Whether the sign is fixed or portable, you’ll plan for it to be in a high-traffic area to increase engagement.
• Size – Depending on the distance you want the sign visible from, you’ll want to decide on the minimum size requirements.
• Originality – Try not to fall into displaying repetitive content. Viewers will switch off and start to ignore your sign if they see it displaying the same thing twice. It’s also worth mentioning the importance of avoiding error screens for the same reason. Both of these problems are easily fixed by making sure you either regularly check and update your signs’ content, or using your signage provider to monitor the content for you.
2. Refine your engagement strategy
Now that you know the fundamentals, you can explore advanced techniques. Making your signage interactive is an increasingly popular way to conduct a visually interesting campaign – as technology develops, there are more ways to allow your viewers to interact with the display and your message. On one hand, you could investigate the possibilities of gathering responses and engaging an audience with a touchscreen. On the other, you could look into wireless connections that let your audience use a mobile device to interact with the display. Both of these options are becoming more readily available, along with other internet-connected strategies, like integrating social media feeds into your display.
3. Examine your mobile compatibility
A majority of the public today are viewing the world through the lens of their mobile device. There are a number of ways to capitalise on this, rather than see it as competition for your strategy to overcome. For instance, try including a QR code on your signage, so that those who are using their phones can connect to your display, save the information for later, and continue on their way.
4. Work together with the local community
Small businesses using digital signs have already started to figure out ways to generate secondary streams of revenue from them: selling advertising space. If your business and a nearby business have similar or complementary services, working with them by leasing space in your cyclic content is a great way to build both businesses at once.
5. Keep an eye on progress
This last point is never going to be made redundant, and applies no matter what line of business you’re in. While planning your marketing strategies, make sure you spend a little time examining the trends of your marketplace – knowing the next thing your audience wants will be valuable information when implementing digital signs to draw them in.
Stay ahead of the curve
Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll find that your digital signage strategy will outline itself. For further information on any of the points above, talk to Digital Signs today. We have the tools, expertise, and staff to reliably install and run digital signage NZ can trust. Contact Us now to find out more!