A Massive 50% Discount on LED Displays

Digital Signs 50 discount off LED displays Limited Time

Save money and grow your business (double double)

Digital Signs is a wholesale supplier of a wide range of indoor, outdoor, portable and industrial (Health & Safety) LED displays of all shapes and sizes.


As sign writers you have a large number of Case Studies of your own – all the fantastic work you’ve done for clients before that you need to show that off.


Would you like a super crisp, high definition, fully waterproof, and bright enough to beat sunstrike LED display on the outside of your building so that you can show your customers what you can do?


Would you like it for free? Ha, sorry we’ve got to stay in business ourselves, but we’d certainly like to help you out as much as we can.


For all orders for own-use between now and the end of the year we are pleased to offer our resellers a massive 50% discount on our full range of LED displays (excluding trolleys, trailer, batteries and installation).


Want to benefit from the latest technology, but pay for it later?

We totally get that by the time you’ve paid your taxes most businesses these days don’t have much left in the kitty. So why not take advantage of our special relationship with Ricoh and don’t put ANY money up front, and just pay for your great new sign out of your weekly Marketing Budget?


While you might pay $11k for a 2m wide screen, and $20k for a 3m wide screen, since you’re only paying half price this comes down to only $10k for a 3m wide screen! Then if you use the marketing approach you will only be paying $55.24 + GST/week – now that’s not much!


What will you paint on your blank canvas?

When you put up a LED display did you know you’re actually putting up a blank canvas, and not a fixed sign? As soon as you get your LED billboard up there the very next question is “What shall I put on it?”


Most councils require static images to be on for 8 seconds that then transition to the next one in under 1 second. Why not put up a few photos of the jobs you’ve done before? It is often said a picture paints a thousand words. As soon as a customer sees your fancy plinth or building sign there is a good chance they might say, “Oh, didn’t know you did that” and ask how they can get one!


Apart from previous work, what about staff profiles? What the current time or temperature outside (more reasons for someone to look at your sign). Can you think of any Draw Cards (“Everything Free, When Tomorrow Comes)?


But how do I get the images up there?

Most of you know we own our own software so it has never been easier to get your content up onto the screen than it is now. Our latest software even supports you logging in from your phone and changing what is scheduled!


Anything you can create on PowerPoint can go on the screens. The indoor can take full motion video, the outdoor can even take a little bit of ‘animation’ (where your logo spins or the price slides across). Hamilton District Council has been granting animation resource consents for about 18 months now.


If you’re in the industry then give us a call now to take advantage of this fantastic marketing opportunity. If you’re not then give one of our Partners a call and I’m sure they’ll be able to help you market yourself effectively also at a very good price.