APN Full Motion Video Auckland Airport



Up until recently NZTA and local Councils permitted static ads to be shown on outdoor digital billboards. The main standard was "on for not less than 8 seconds, and change to the new one in under 1 second".


The rationale behind this was driver distraction and road safety.


I get what they're saying, but to be honest I think they may not have been giving our motorists enough credit. When I used to be a Police Officer I attended a lot more accidents where drivers were changing something on ttheir stereo than I did from them being distracted with something outside the car.



When I drove down through the lovely Lake Tekapo there was so much nice scenery outside I could swear I spent more time looking at that, than the road ahead. 

I also drove down just south of Hunterville and was amused at a local farmer's attempt at marketing to the highway traffic with a huge sign on his farm shed - only problem was, it was miles away at 90 degrees to the road so while I was zooming along at 100kmph (give or take 20) I had to turn my head fully around, and stare for ages to read the message fully.

No wonder NZTA have a "field of vision" in their Road Advertising Standard!



Last week I was again driving around (seems that is all I do these days) and blow me down full motion video at one of our busiest intersections!

See the video here: IceBreaker Merino - Natural, Ethical, Sustainable

I commend IceBreaker the message is coming across very clear - Natural, Ethical and Sustainable (farming of Merino wool). Ads like this do New Zealand proud (as it's obvious a lot of visitors are passing this sign going to the International Airport Terminal.


(Don't worry about the video quality. LED displays actually 'flicker' on a refresh rate that the human eye cannot detect but digital cameras can. Oh, and the camera operator might have been wobbling a bit?)



I know Wero Water Park, Manukau, Auckland has had their 6x3m on the shipping container facing the morning and evening peak hour traffic for over 12 months now without incident. If 4 lanes of traffic zooming by at under 100kmph, with 2 lanes of Redoubt Road merging in also at under 100kmph is not a hazard, then what is? And with no accidents attributable to the sign?

Am I in favour of full motion video? Yes I am. 

Am I in favour of a little less bureaucracy? Yes I am.

Am I in favour of selling a few more of our extremely stunning HD outdoor gold wire digital billboards? Yeah, Nah.



I presume you know we offer a full service solution from Resource Consent planning and application, through supply and installation, through to full content sourcing and management?

CALL US today to see how we can help you.


(Photo: one of the happy staff at IceBreaker)