Digital Signs Partnership with Ricoh Financial Services

Digital Signs Partnership Ricoh Financial Services

We know what we’re doing

Digital Signs are an exclusive import supplier of premium LED displays. Premium means gold wire LED (not copper) in aluminium (not steel) cabinets. We have been around many years and we are the most experienced in the industry in terms of what we know, the services we offer, and the boundaries we have successfully pushed out.


We have developed our own auto-start LPG generator (off until needed then a small computer starts it to charge a battery bank then it’s back turned off and silent again). We own our own multi-site software you can even control from your mobile phone. We are the only sign company to also provide full legal and resource consent services right through to attending hearings after the Public Notification process. See how we got one consent within 28 days here: Hoyts, Wairau Park


Ricoh – they know what they’re doing

Ricoh (the photocopier people) were founded in 1936 in Tokyo, Japan. They’ve grown a million times since then and now are one of the very established brands in office automation and photocopiers that come to mind the moment we think about this sector.


The growth and evolution of Ricoh is extensive – see the Wiki site on this here:


One of the main developments that have affected us is the move by Ricoh into IT and the growth of their Financial Services Division. If it is technology (computers, PABX, VOIP phones), and it helps your business grow, then Ricoh want to be part of it!


Cashflow is King

If you’ve got $20k in the bank, but your business needs computers or smart digital marketing devices, then it is actually a SMART idea to leave your money in the bank (for a rainy day) and put your technology equipment onto an operating lease, and let the business pay for it out of cash flow. You get the maximum tax benefits and often the lease might be bundled with some service and support, giving you the best of both worlds.


In the case of LED displays Ricoh were very smart to observe that they are actually a blank digital marketing canvas not a printed sign! They also were very smart to realise that operating a digital blank canvas often provides a savings to the company Marketing Budget (from not printing all those posters and putting them in the rubbish after a month). Anything Ricoh can do to save you money in the operation of your business is a win for them and a win for you. And since Digital Signs are the exclusive supplier of this premium technology then it is a win for us as well!


Winners together

We are very pleased to partner with Ricoh Financial Services and we provide details of their very attractive rates in all of our quotes.


If you want to keep your money operating within your business then give us a Call Now on how to either use the Ricoh No Deposit (ownership) programme or our Fully Serviced Lease options, underwritten by Ricoh.