Do you think a billboard is only for those that want to advertise?

Happy making money

Do you think a billboard is only for those that want to advertise?


Digital Billboards are different to Printed Billboards as the message on a Digital Billboard can change at the click of your fingers, meaning you have more options on what messages to show, and for how long.

A national standard is developing that ads should be on for around 8 seconds each. We agree with this timing as anything less than this becomes the digital equivalent of ‘shouting’ (remember ‘shouty capitals’?).

People process audio and video messages in different ways. Keeping an ad up for 8 seconds allows someone to go through that initial process of, “what was that”, through to the deeper processing of then getting the message you’re sending. Anything quicker than that is ‘information overload’ and longer is just time wasted.


If you put your ads up for 8 seconds each, do you know how many you will show in a day?

8,100 (if you only count 5am to 11pm).

Any in a year? 2,948,400.


Do you have a calculator with you? Do you know how much revenue you might expect to make from a good sized digital LED billboard from Digital Signs in a good location if you charged only $1.00 + GST per ad?


(If you need any help with this calculation Call Us ????)



We have a number of clients with buildings in prominent locations looking for investors who wish to install a quality digital billboard on their building and just pay them some money to rent the space. Often they do not even need to advertise on it themselves. We are happy to share these sites with you. We will obtain the necessary resource consent, install and maintain the sign, and manage all the advertising that goes up.


All you need to do is give us your bank account so that we can pay you every month.



If you own or lease a commercial building in a place where lots of cars or pedestrians are always coming by then Call Us and we can show you how putting a LED sign on your building can give you an excellent return on investment.


Your place may even be within a community or smaller New Zealand town – don’t worry as we are experts in all locations.



Digital Signs – Promoting a Brighter Future