
Getting your digital LED screen or billboard is only half of the journey - it is important you can easily control the content to suit your needs.

We offer a range of software applications (most are free with your screen) depending on what you are looking for:

Pluto Manager

Create a playlist (similar look and feel to Microsoft Powerpoint) then 'set and forget'. Any time you want to update a message just swap out the slide, send it to the screen, and walk away. This software does not require a computer to be connected to your screen and left running.

DS Program Manager

Our own custom built software to give you additional functionality without additional cost. Connect remotely or locally and schedule the images, words or video any time that you want. Also supports live video streaming or being a mirror of a web page (where you can run a scoreboard, countdown time and virtually anything else).

Scoreboard Mixing Desk

A subscription based product designed for use during a live game. Enter key player data, time remaining, score and KPIs. Also supports switching to live play HD video stream.

Commercial Billboard Scheduler

Our most comprehensive product. Schedule programs similar to the other applications, but this Scheduler also permits you to hard code in ad metrics (such as industry, restrictions) so that 2 competing advertisers in the same industry do not appear back-to-back with each other. This software permits time-of-day display but also according to external data feeds (temperature, daylight levels, traffic count).

It is not fully here yet but it won't be long until we can display an ad (for example) for an Optometrist when someone wearing glasses is standing in front of the screen (akin to "AI" - artificial intelligence).

You can provide login details to your media agency and they can feed in ads without any involvement by you.

Full 'proof of play' and financial data reporting.

Call Us now for a demonstration of this product.




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